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Sexual offences

Sexual offences

Being accused of a sex crime is difficult, embarrassing, and frightening. We know that because we have dealt with hundreds of people in the same situation as you. We can’t remove those feelings, but we can help you through the police investigation and through any court proceedings that follow.

Our job is both to represent you and to ease the process. You can count on us to make life easier for you and relax knowing that we are working hard to defend you.
“Thanks for all your help, totally amazing and professional service.”, AW.

When you instruct us to help you, you can be sure that we will be doing everything in our power to fight your corner, make the unpleasant ride you are forced to take as easy as possible, and secure your acquittal.

You'll always have your solicitor's personal mobile phone number so you can contact him or her any time to discuss your case.

We approach every case on the assumption that you are innocent, unless you tell us otherwise. We will work with you to defend you! We will listen to what you want to tell us about the allegations and the events that led to them, then we will look at the prosecution evidence in extreme detail. We will consider whether there are holes in the complainant’s account. We will instruct our team of forensic experts to examine the forensic evidence against you to highlight failures, faults, and errors in both the prosecution scientists’ methodology and their conclusions.


Above all, we will be on your side throughout your case.